Mark Williams talks about Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy and Depression This video covers relationships to thoughts, as well as the content of the thoughts.
Short Talk and Guided Meditation: Bringing RAIN to Fear explores how the mindfulness and compassion of RAIN can free us from the grip of fear.
Dr. LuAnn Helms offers a six part series on CBT for stress management. I highly recommend glancing at each of the relatively short lectures (average about 18 minutes) to learn about six rather simplified concepts utilized in a more traditional or standard CBT practice. She covers a brief overview, breathing exercises, Progressive Muscle Relaxation, Imagery and Visualization, sample of CBT Tools, and a Stress Management and Wellness Plan.
Dr. Martin Rossman’s How your Brain Can Turn Anxiety and Stress into Calmness and Confidence is an informative mind-body hour and a half lecture distinguishing unproductive worrying into productive worrying.
Dr. Steve Hollon, in this lecture, effectively and scientifically tackles the complex issues in studying CBT and Pharmacological approaches for the treatment of depression.
Robert Leahy talks about Emotional Shema Therapy.
Jeff Young is quite informative in the one hour interview discussing Cognitive Therapy to Schema Therapy and Beyond.
Dr.Rege’s 10 minute talk on Nueroinflammation is a brief overview of the link between the immune system and the brain.
Professor Kavita Vedhara from University of Nottingham, gives a a twenty eight minute lecture on Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI).
Dr. Elissa Epel during this one hour lecture, Does stress speed up the aging process at a genetic level?, explains that our cells are constantly aging. When a cell divides some telomere is lost but if it becomes too short, that cell can no longer replicate and eventual dies. This same cell reaction occurs from Stress. Nevertheless, Dr. Epel emphasizes that an individual can protect and lengthen the telomere with meditation, exercise, a diet full of healthy fats and vegetables.
Dr. George Bonanno, in this lecture, ‘PTSD, Resilience, and Everything in Between’, talks about mapping the heterogeneity of potential trauma.
Dr. Moshe Szyf, during this brief talk describes epigenetics as one way our bodies change the ‘destiny’ written in our DNA.
Dr. Bruce Ecker gives a one hour and 45 minute lecture describing Unlocking the Emotional Brain.
Stanford Geriatric Education Center sponsors a one hour and nine minute talk by Dr. Delores-Thompson and colleague describing CBT and Behavioral Activation, (Briefer talks on Behavioral Activation)
The late psychoanalyst Dr. Jon Bowlby, very briefly describes Attachment Theory and relationships.
Dr. Stephen Porges, during an hour long interview, discusses The Neuroscience and Power of Safe Relationships.
Dr. John Gottman during this brief talk, The Science of Love, describes one way to understand why relationships don’t work from a scientific perspective, Dr. Gottman measured the behavior, perception and physiology of couples over time.
Dr. Helen Fisher in Anatomy of Love talks about the neuroscience behind falling in love, why we love who we love, and the future of romantic love.
Dr. Gottman in Making Marriage Work, describes the scientific process he utilized to explore happy relationships, have helped thousands of couples from around the world build a “Sound Relationship House.”
The Neuroscience of Emotion: Kerry Ressler at TEDxPeach-tree (2012) In this brief TEDTalk, we look at anxiety and PTSD from a bio-molecular/neuroscientific perspective.
CBT for IBS is a sample session of cognitive-behavioral therapy for irritable bowel syndrome.